Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX – Annual Maintenance Perks
Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX – Most of us go to the dentist at least once a year. If you are like me you really don’t want too and you dread the trip each year but it is just one of those things we have to do to ensure our teeth stay healthy. If you are like me and chances you are, you know all too well the pain that is involved when a tooth goes bad. This is something we definitely want to avoid and that is why we go through the uncomfortable yearly visits to the dentist. But, it’s not just our teeth that we try and take care of. What about our vehicles? Next, to our homes, our vehicles are usually one of the biggest expenses and whenever it is time to have the oil changed, tired rotated, and so on, off we go to our local garage to have it done.
Whether we are taking care of ourselves or the expensive items that we own, preventative maintenance goes hand in hand to making sure that the things we need and / or cherish last as long as they can. Next, to our homes and vehicles, what is the next most expensive object that homeowners own? If you are thinking the heating and cooling system installed in your home, then you guessed right. Whether you have central heating and cooling, split-types, or what not, the heating and cooling systems in our homes tends to be the third most expensive item that we as homeowners own. But unlike going to the dentist every year and having our vehicles maintained, most homeowners do not partake in annual maintenance for their heating and cooling systems. Quite frankly, most homeowners tend to go about as far as changing out the air filters once every month or two and that’s about it.
Yet, like our teeth, brushing them once or twice a day isn’t the full solution, at least once or twice a year we must go to the dentist to have them professionally cleaned. The same applies to our heating and cooling. Changing out the air filters, akin to brushing our teeth, just isn’t the full solution. Every now and then the heating and air unit will need a good thorough cleaning from a professional company that specializes in Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX to ensure that our heating and cooling lasts us for years to come. Yet, many homeowners put off or do not even bother with having their AC professionally maintained. Quite a many in fact do not even give the AC a second thought until something breaks down and a professional technician is needed.
Do you need a professional AC Company in Arlington?
Just like car garages and dentists there are plenty of AC companies in Arlington to choose from. Doing a quick search thru Google, the yellow pages, or god forbid even Craigslist will yield many results. When it comes to new air conditioning installation or ac repair, what is more important to you? Is it the quality of service, professionalism, or costs; maybe a bit of all three. Unfortunately, another bad habit that many homeowners predominately look for is costs. The cheaper the service company the better. Or is it?
When you need a root canal, do you look for the cheapest Dentist or do go with the Dentist that receives the most praise? If you are looking for a good deal on root canals, you might find someone offering root canals for $50. What a steal, you think to yourself, until you actually show up at the “doctor’s office” and it is a two-car garage and you’re greeted by a guy holding a DeWalt drill. No thanks.
Technology is a wonderful thing, but it also has its bad side. Nowadays, it is rather easy and cheap for someone to have a website or even build one themselves. Anyone can create the illusion on the web that they are a professional. The reality, however, may tell a totally different story. Unlike, the dentist operating out of a garage, not all services provided can be easily discerned as coming from a professional or not. AC repair in Arlington, for example, is one such service that you as a homeowner may not be able to tell the difference between whether if the technician that shows up to your house knows what he or she is doing or not. Only till after the AC repairs are made and even for a spell after that may you realize you have been had or not. So, you see, cheaper is not always better and if it sounds too good to be true, well usually it is.
Navigating through what AC companies in Arlington is indeed a professional service company can be quite a bit tricky also. However, with a little detective work it isn’t that hard. Still on the topic of how technology can manipulate people into using ones’ services. Simply looking for who is at the top of the search engines on the web also will not always tell the full story either. Sometimes, you may need to look several pages into the search engines to find the diamonds in the rough. Customer reviews you find on the web aren’t always accurate either. Sometimes it can be hard to discern what sounds legitimate or not. People tend to write reviews when they have either received exceptionally great service, exceptionally bad service, or have been rewarded with leaving reviews. There are some companies that even offer “reviews” for companies. Some of these companies provide exceptionally well written “reviews” that are hard to tell the difference between if they sound legitimate or not, while others are easily discerned as being fake reviews.
So with all of that in mind, if you can’t trust the web entirely all of the time for finding a professional service company that you can trust then what can you to vet an AC company in Arlington, TX? Below we list quite a few things that you can do in order to help vet a service company and see if they are worth hiring or not.
- Check out their BBB rating – Unlike Google comments and other websites that allow people to leave reviews, the BBB is a bit harder to get by with fake reviews, though not infallible, it is a good place to start. Most companies will have bad reviews from time to time and a good place to look at these bad reviews is the BBB. None of us are perfect, and mistakes can and will be made from time to time. It is how we handle those mistakes that define our character and integrity however. Look at the overall rating for the company on the BBB and look at the negative reviews and how the company handled the customer’s complaints. This will tell you the true story of the company’s character, integrity, and value towards their customers (most of the time).
- Investigate Hearsay – Talk to your colleagues, family members and friends. See who they use and ask them if they have heard anything in particular about the company or companies that you are interested in.
- Experience – How long has the company been in business? You can get the information most of the time from the BBB. However, if you really want to dig deep not only in to find out how long the company has been around but other remarks about the AC company in Arlington then look at assistance from government agencies. You can start with your state attorney general’s office and state and local consumer protection offices to learn more about the companies experience but also if they have the proper paperwork, licensing, and any complaints and how they were dealt with from these agencies also.
- Legal Compliance – In order for an AC company in Arlington to provide AC repair, AC maintenance and Air conditioning installation they may be required to have a license. Do not just go by whether the company claims they have one or not but check to see If they are indeed up to date with their business license.
- Insurance – One of the most important things that all homeowners should do before allowing any service company into their home is to make sure that the contractor / technician has proof of insurance, particularly liability and worker’s compensation coverage. If this is not the case, and the contractor has an accident while on your property, you could be held responsible.
- Warranties – Does the AC company provide warranties for the work that they do? Most professional AC companies in Arlington will offer warranties on most projects that they perform. If so, you should receive this in writing. Next to insurance, warranties are another pertinent object that a professional air conditioning company will provide their customers.
There’s more methods to help you verify whether or not an AC service company is right for you but the above will definitely get you set on your way and the reality is that others such as references can be cherry picked or manipulated and just really isn’t worth the bother. Once you find the right company to do all of your heating and cooling needs then you are usually going to be set for many years to come. Of course, sometimes service companies retire, while others may pass the torch to younger generations of their family. But such is a fact of life. Once you find your company, chances are you may only need to change once or twice in your lifetime.
Annual Air Conditioning Maintenance in Arlington, TX
At the beginning we spoke out about the importance of why you should have your air conditioning professionally maintained. But, first we went thoroughly over how to vet a heating and cooling service company. Here we go into the specifics with the importance, what you can expect and the benefits of having your heating and cooling system professionally maintained by an AC company in Arlington.
Now that you have found the company that specializes in Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX that you wish to hire, here’s what you can expect from having an annual maintenance contract with the company.
- Early detection – Professional maintenance will often find problems with your HVAC system before they become major problems. When these problems are detected early, it can save you quite a bit than if it is put off until something major breaks down and instead of costing you a few bucks now you’re looking at thousands.
- Safety – This is especially true if you have a gas-powered furnace in the home. When you have the systems inspected annually any problems that could or already have begun, such as gas leak will be detected and promptly repaired. Obviously, protecting your family from a possibly literally explosive scenario.
- Efficiency – Arlington AC systems that are professionally maintained operate at peak efficiency. This means bigger savings when it comes to operating the HVAC unit, depending on the age and unit you could literally save up to 40 percent on monthly utility costs by having the unit professionally maintained.
- Health – When a system is thoroughly and professionally maintained, it is also cleaned. Pollutants, debris and even bacteria will be removed. All of the nasty airborne pollutants will be removed that would otherwise find their way through the vents and into your home, compromising the indoor air quality and possibly causing upper respiratory problems for your loved ones.
- Green with Envy – When your air conditioning in Arlington is professionally maintained, its increased efficiency also means a much greener system. Just as the ability to save as much as 40% on your monthly costs, you could literally be reducing your carbon footprint by as much as 40% too. A more efficient system will mean less run time and less of an impact on the environment too.
As you can see from the above, signing up for an annual maintenance program with your local ac company can potentially save you hundreds or more per year when it comes to operating your AC system. Professional air conditioning maintenance in Arlington pays for itself with increased efficiencies, less need for repairs, and a longer life cycle for the unit. When you know the facts, it makes sense that there is no reason whatsoever why you should not have an annual maintenance program with your local ac company.
Metro Express Service is a leading professional AC company in Arlington, TX with two convenient locations in the DFW area in order to quickly deploy our technicians and service our customers. We have been serving both residential and commercial clients for many years and are one of the most well-known, respected and trusted brands in the area. When you hire Metro Express Service for all of your heating and cooling related needs you can rest assured knowing that you are in great hands. Our technicians prove time and time again with their exceptional know-how, skills and experience why our customers can trust us to handle their home’s heating and cooling. If you would like to schedule an annual maintenance for your home’s AC then do not hesitate to give us a call and setup an appointment at your earliest convenience.
Air Conditioning Installation in Arlington, TX
Maintenance is not always the answer. There comes a time when we must accept the fact that the old AC unit has done her job well but she just isn’t up to the task of doing it any longer and it’s time to retire her and bring in a newer, more energy efficient heating and cooling solution. If your central heating and air system is more than ten years old then you might seriously consider retiring it and looking into having a new system installed. There has been leaps and bounds in technological innovations and new approaches to heating and cooling in the past decade that easily can justify putting the old HVAC unit to rest and replacing it with a newer one.
One of the most important innovations to happen over the past ten years is variable speed technology. With a variable speed air conditioning unit installed in your home you could see costs of operation reduced by 50% or even more. Variable speed systems is by far one of the most cited reasons for homeowners upgrading their older air conditioning units for newer ones. However, there have been quite a few other impressive innovations to come thru the pipeline in recent years and some of those are:
- Motion-Activated Air Conditioning – This technology varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. However, they all employ sensors that will either detect motion in a room and decipher this as a person in order to kick up cooling a notch in the occupied zones of the home versus other areas of the home that are not currently occupied by persons ( or even pets ). Some manufacturers go a bit further by having sensors that detect heat signatures in a room to determine how much more cooling needs to be employed to that area of the home.
- Smart Ventilation – Ecovent, an innovative product that utilizes sensors on ventilation to provide precise room-by-room temperature control. Ecovent, monitors a home’s air pressure, indoor air quality and temperatures and can additionally be controlled by a smartphone app.
- Duel-Fuel Heat Pumps – Anyone that knows a thing or two about heating understands that electrically powered heat pumps don’t work quite so well when it’s really cold outside. Enter duel-fuel heat pumps. These heat pumps have not only an electrically powered heat pump but a gas-powered furnace also. When the temperatures are lower than 35 degrees, the gas furnace is used. However, when temperatures rise above 35 degrees, the gas furnace will shut off and the electric heat pump takes over. This can help homeowners save tremendously during the winter months. Especially here in the south where we do have warmer winters than up north and most of the time an electric heat pump works just fine, however, there are many days in the winter here where an electric heat pump just won’t cut it and we need additional heating in the home in order to stay warm.
- Geothermal Heat Pumps – Truth be told, these have been around since the 1940s but they haven’t been well received or honestly well-known up until recently. With more homeowners taking green home solutions more seriously, geothermal heat pumps have picked up in popularity. These types of heat pumps get their energy directly from the earth. This is accomplished by a process of underground looped pipes that will absorb the heat and carry it into the home. When air conditioning is needed the process is simply reversed, with the pump removing the warmth out of the home. Another bonus with having a geothermal heat pump is free hot water.
There will always be new innovations with any technology as long as that technology is needed. However, the innovations in the past decade has superseded innovations with heating and cooling more so than in the past 50 years. There is no better time than now to look into upgrading your home’s heating and air unit to a more energy efficient system. If you are interested in learning more about how a newer air conditioning system will help you then do not hesitate to give Metro Express Service a call today and one of our team members will be more than happy to answer your questions and let you know how you may benefit from having a new air conditioning installation today.
About Metro Express Service in Arlington, Texas
Founded in 1987, Metro Express Service has been serving the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington, Texas metropolitan area with a rock solid commitment to professional heating and cooling services and superb customer service. Providing Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX to both residential and light commercial, Metro Express Service is one of the most trusted and recognized brands in the DFW metropolitan area.
At Metro Express Service, our air conditioning company in Dallas, TX is only as good as the people we employ, so with that in mind we have worked to employ the best in the area in order to meet our goals with providing professional Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX and superior customer service. From our friendly, attentive dispatchers, to our technicians, installers, and administrative staff members, we employ the best in order to provide our customers with the best service possible. Our goal to provide and maintain the most informed and productive force in the industry. We also have an in-house finance manager with over ten years of banking and financing specialized training and experience to work with you with finding ideal financing options at the best available rates.
Metro Express Service offers 24-hour, 7-days-a-week emergency service, coupled with our innovative technologies and equipment we can provide some of the best most cost effective Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX and the surrounding metropolitan area. Metro Express Service also employs over 40 vans and installation vehicles that are located from two centralized locations across the Arlington, Fort Worth and Dallas metropolitan area. This allows our dispatchers to fine tune our response time to our customers allowing us to provide professional Air Conditioning Service in Arlington, TX to our customers promptly. For professional heating and cooling service that you can rely on time and time again get in touch with Metro Express Service today.