Guide to Air Duct Cleaning and Allergies
Did you know that the condition of your air ducts can be adversely affecting your health? If you have seasonal allergies during the summertime, there could be several ways that your HVAC system is contributing to the problem. Air duct cleaning and repairs can help your system to run more efficiently.
At Metro Express Service, we have the experience you need to get your indoor air quality to the highest standards. Listed below, we have several ideas for making the air as easy to breathe as possible.
Broken Air Ducts Lead to Trouble
In the walls, ceilings, and floors of your home are several hundred feet of air ducts. Naturally, at some point in time, one of the joints in the ducts may break. Once the seal is cracked, dust and other contamination can get sucked into the ducts.
While you may not be able to figure out which duct is loose, a professional Fort Worth air conditioner company will be able to detect it. Once it is repaired, you will have less dust agitating your lungs.
Proper Air Conditioner Maintenance
When your air conditioner kicks on in the summer, it can be easy to forget that it needs a little bit of spring cleaning. In addition to clearing the cooling coils on an outdoor central air unit, the motor may need servicing. After each part is checked and cleaned, there will be fewer opportunities for loose particles to be distributed throughout the central air ducts.
A Quick Fix for Seasonal Allergies
One of the ultimate ways that you can keep your air clean is to filter it at the source. In addition to the type of filter that is required to operate your central air unit, other specific types of filters battle allergens. On top of this, you can add an additional set of filtering equipment that will produce some of the highest quality air possible.
Battling Black Mold
If moisture is collecting in your air ducts, it creates a promising environment for black mold. As one of the most lethal allergens, the effects that it can have on any member of your family are profound. Thankfully, it is also one of the easiest allergens to overcome. All that is required to nip black mold in the bud is a thorough periodic air duct cleaning.
Clearly, having the best health means accessing expert contractors. Whether you have allergies or need HVAC repair, installation, or service, Metro Express Service is one phone call away at 817-516-0700.