What to Do Before You Make that Heating Repair Call
Any heating repair contractor worth his salt will make sure that you aren’t charged unnecessarily for any sort of job. It’s not only the right thing to do, it also makes for good business. At Metro Express Service, we don’t want you to waste money by calling a contractor when you don’t have to. Here are some things to make sure of first before you make that heating repair call.
1. Check Your Filter
In many instances, a dirty filter is the culprit behind a problem. Many heating repair calls have been made by people who were charged a substantial amount of money when all they needed to do was to clean or replace their furnace filter. If your filter is dirty, there is a good chance that your furnace will overheat and shut down as a result. Change out the filter and try starting the unit again. If it still doesn’t work, then you will probably need to call a Denton technician.
2. Check Your Thermostat
There is a possibility that the problem could simply be with your thermostat. If you have a programmable model that runs on batteries, try switching them out and turning on your system. This sounds almost ridiculous, but you’ll be surprised at how often we are called to a home where this was the only issue. If your furnace is blowing only cold air, make sure your thermostat is set to “auto” rather than “on.”
3. Check Your Power
There is a chance that your furnace simply may have tripped a circuit breaker. Go to your electrical panel and make sure that all your breakers are on before you call a technician.
These are extremely simple tips, of course, but they could save you a trip charge from a heating repair contractor. Contact Metro Express Service at 817-516-0700 if you have taken the above steps and your unit still doesn’t work. Have you ever heard of someone you know make that heating repair when they didn’t need to? Share your story by clicking on one of the social media icons at the top of the page – without naming any names, of course.