Heating Repair Arlington TX

Heating Repair in Arlington, TX – If you are shopping for a new heating and air conditioning system for your home, consider a heat pump. A heat pump will provide both heating and air conditioning for your family’s year-round comfort. Metro Express Service provides professional installation, replacement, maintenance and repair for your HVAC needs. Heat pumps are a reliable system for your home, but will require routine maintenance. Professional maintenance helps to ensure energy efficiency and a long service life for your heat pump. With age and wear the need for heating repair in Arlington, TX may increase.
Refrigerant Leaks
The compressor is often considered the heart of the heat pump for its vital role of pumping the refrigerant. Refrigerant isn’t used up as motor oil is. A low refrigerant level is due only to a leak. Adding refrigerant alone is not a solution without locating and repairing the leak. Leak repair requires the expertise of an HVAC technician.
A low refrigerant level will prevent the unit from performing properly. Most modern heat pumps have a safety switch that will shut the system down before damage can occur, but older models may not. You may also see ice form on the coils as a result of low refrigerant. Continued operation with a leak can result in compressor damage, the most costly component in the system. Metro Express Service HVAC technicians will provide the professional heating repair in Arlington, TX that you can rely on.
Reversing Valve Failure
A heat pump uses a reversing valve to change the direction the refrigerant flows. The valve enables the heat pump to change between the functions of heating and air conditioning. Reversing valve failure will leave the heat pump stuck in a single-mode, either heating or air conditioning. Replacing the reversing valve will require an HVAC technician to provide heating repair in Arlington, TX.
Failed Compressor – Heating Repair in Arlington
The process of heat exchange occurs as a result of the compressors operation. Over time, the compressor will weaken as wear occurs. Unusual noise can be an indication of a failing compressor and may include whining, grinding, or humming noise. With compressor failure, the decision must be made to either replace the compressor or replace the heat pump.
Circuit Breakers
A ground fault, an overloaded circuit or a short circuit can result in thrown circuit breakers and blown fuses. Power surges may also cause a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse. However, an ongoing problem indicates a serious issue with your heat pump. Contact your HVAC technician for a diagnosis of heat pump problems, and to receive heating repair in Arlington, TX.
Inefficient Temperature Control
Once the heat pump has extended age on it, maintaining a comfortable temperature may occur. This can cause it to run longer resulting in an elevated power bill. This is likely to be especially noticeable when it struggles to maintain a cool indoor temperature. Increasing humidity may also be a growing problem that affects your comfort. In this situation, heating and air conditioning installation is the recommended option.
Repair VS. Replacement – Arlington Heater Repair
When choosing between replacing a compressor or the heat pump, consider these factors. When the heat pump is under warranty the manufacturer will make this decision for you. However, when out of warranty you will need to choose between replacement or heating repair in Arlington, TX. Use the following guidelines to assist you in the decision.
- The age of the heat pump, and whether or not it has received routine care is the first consideration. If it is fairly new, and just out of warranty, compressor replacement should take care of the problem. However, if maintenance is poor or is questionable, and especially if it’s nearing ten years old, replacing the heat pump may be recommended.
- Cost is the next consideration. When the cost to repair an older heat pump is 33% or more of the cost of a new system, opt for a new heat pump installation. Heat pumps have greatly improved in the past decade with the introduction of new technologies. This translates to increased energy efficiency, higher dependability and greater comfort.
- Age can adversely impact an older system. Age can thin and weaken coils that may not tolerate the higher pressure of a new compressor.
Routine Maintenance Protects Your Investment
While a heat pump provides your home with both heating and air conditioning, it also means the heat pump must work twice as hard by operating year-round. A neglected system loses significant energy efficiency and performs poorly. For this reason, biannual professional service is recommended. Maintenance will extend the heat pump’s lifespan, and maintain energy efficiency.
Metro Express Service offers professional heat pump services in Dallas, Plano and the surrounding area. If you require heating and air conditioning repair in Arlington, TX, or other HVAC services, call today to schedule an appointment. Emergency services are available 24/7 for your convenience.