Minimizing AC Use in Summer, Part 2
More money saving summer AC tips
We ended the previous blog post, talking about ways you can give your air conditioning system a rest. It may seem like a counterintuitive option, but sometimes, your AC needs a nap, too. It works hard in the heat of summer to keep your family cool. Why not give it all the help it can get? Some ways to give your air conditioning system a break include:
Let your thermostat sleep at night.
When the temperature cools off at night, you can turn off the AC and open a window or ten.
Make a cave to help your house cool down
Close shades and blinds in the daytime to keep out the sunlight. Ever seen a greenhouse? Don’t let your house turn into one! Glass allows light inside, but traps the heat radiation on the inside of the structure. This is literally called “The Greenhouse Effect.” Prevent this as much as possible with curtains, blinds, and other coverings on your windows to prevent excess heat inside.
Don’t make it hot.
Try not to use heat-generating appliances during the heat of the day. Instead of your oven, use a slow cooker or eat a cool-pasta salad for dinner. Dry your clothes outside on a clothesline instead of using a tumble-dryer.
Get out of the house!
Get out and about. Go to the library or shopping mall a few times a week, and turn the AC off while you are out. However, if you have indoor pets, do NOT turn off the air conditioning entirely. Turn the thermostat up a few degrees instead.
Take advantage of the public pool, if you have one in your city. Go in the afternoon, and let the AC have a break while you’re out.
Blow it up!
Use fans to distribute the cooler air more efficiently throughout your home. Placing fans strategically can direct cool air where it needs to be, which may mean where you and your family are currently hanging out, or in a room that heats up too fast or too early in the day.
Trap that air!
Close doors to rooms that receive a lot of use, or little use. In a room with maximum use, closing a door can trap the cool air where you need it most. Close the doors quickly when entering or leaving. In a room that is not used much, closing the doors and blocking the vents can force air into the other parts of the house where you need it more.
Turn the thermostat up a few degrees.
I know. It’s a scary suggestion. Many people can feel comfortable if the temperature is somewhere between 75°F to 78°F, even if it may take a bit to adjust to your new lifestyle. This may not be an ideal solution if there are residents with health issues, elderly relatives, or small children; but if you can make it happen, your air conditioner will thank you for it.
A few last tips.
Yup. You got it.
Time for the plug.
Scheduling air conditioning maintenance at least once every year, before summer heats up, is a good rule of thumb. An expert air conditioning services agent can ensure your system will cool at top-capacity in the coming summer if they have the opportunity to inspect your system in the spring.
Change your air conditioner’s filters once a month, to ensure regular airflow.
If you happen to notice a problem with your air conditioning system, call a technician for inspection and repairs as soon as possible. The earlier the technician can come out and take a look, the less time you and your family suffer in the heat.
Metro Express Services provides quality air conditioning repair and maintenance services in the Dallas and Fort Worth area. We have technicians ready to help you, for a price you can afford! Give us a call today!