Tips on Increasing Your Heating System Efficiency
While the heating season may finally be starting to wind down in North Texas, we have had colder winter than normal. If you’re concerned that your energy bills were too high during the cold months, there are some things you can do to guarantee increasing your heating system efficiency so that you won’t have to spend as much when cold weather makes its return. The experts with Metro Express Service would like to show you some ways you can keep from feeling as much of a pinch next winter.
Don’t Delay Repairs
Your system might have gotten you by this winter but may not have worked as well as it should. Even though your furnace can work even with a malfunction, it has to use more energy than normal to do so. One way to increasing your heating system efficiency is by scheduling repairs as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more expensive those repairs may be.
Lower Your Thermostat
Turning up your furnace to a higher setting doesn’t mean it will warm you up more quickly. All you’ll be doing is making it work harder to reach the setting, and making it use more energy in the process. Lower your thermostat to around 60 or 64 degrees during the day if you’re not at home, and then lower it again when you go to sleep. Just don’t go overboard; if you set it to 50 degrees, for example, your system will have to work too hard to get back to a comfortable temperature.
Have Maintenance Performed
One of the best ways of improving heating system efficiency is to have maintenance performed on a regular basis. This will make sure the system is working at its best and will also identify small issues so they can be addressed before they become major problems.
If you ever need any sort of work performed on your heating or cooling system, call the professionals with Metro Express Service at 972-263-2500 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.