What Should You Never Put Down Your Garbage Disposal?

As summer heats up across the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) area, including cities like Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington, maintaining your home as a cool, comfortable retreat means ensuring all aspects of your household are functioning optimally—especially your plumbing system. During the intense Texas heat, the last inconvenience you want is a problematic garbage disposal adding to the stress. At Metro Express Service Air Conditioning & Heating, we’re dedicated to keeping your home’s systems in peak condition to make your summer as relaxing and enjoyable as possible. If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to call us at (972) 263-2500 or schedule your service online.

Key Items to Keep Out of Your Garbage Disposal

To prevent plumbing disasters and ensure smooth water flow during the summer heat, here are some essential items to avoid putting in your garbage disposal:

  • Grease and Oils: These can solidify within your pipes, causing blockages that are tough to clear.
  • Coffee Grounds: Small but accumulative, coffee grounds can gather and create stubborn clogs.
  • Eggshells: Despite common myths, eggshells can adhere to disposal parts, causing odors and potential jams.
  • Starchy Foods: Pasta, rice, and bread can swell and clog your disposal system as they absorb water.
  • Fibrous Vegetables: Vegetables like celery or corn husks can entangle around the disposal blades and potentially burn out the motor.
  • Hard Items: Bones and fruit pits are too tough for disposal blades and can cause significant damage.

Ensure a Stress-Free Summer

By steering clear of these disposal don’ts, you’ll help ensure that your home’s plumbing operates smoothly throughout the sweltering summer in the DFW area. Should you have any questions or need assistance, Metro Express Service Air Conditioning & Heating is just a call or click away. Contact us at (972) 263-2500 or schedule your service online for reliable, professional help. Keep your summer worry-free by maintaining your home’s plumbing with Metro Express Service, your local experts committed to your comfort and safety.

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