Year: 2014


Troubleshooting Common Thermostat Problems

If you’re having problems with your heating or cooling system, the culprit might not be the system itself – you may be having one of the common thermostat problems. We’ve received phone calls from several people worried that there was something seriously wrong with their furnace’s motor or their air conditioner’s compressor. However, once we…


The Importance of Air Conditioner SEER Rating

If you’re considering a new cooling system, you’ll no doubt see a lot about air conditioner SEER rating. You’ll obviously surmise that this is an important number, but you may be wondering why. The professionals with Metro Express Service would like to share the following information so that you’ll be a better informed customer once the…


Tips on Choosing the Right Furnace for Your Home

If the time has come for you to replace your old furnace, or you’re just looking for ways to increase your home’s energy efficiency, there are a lot of factors that you need to consider in choosing the right furnace before purchasing your new model. If you simply get something similar to what you had…


Should You Consider Having a Heat Pump Installed?

A heat pump can help you save a great deal on your heating bill each month, but there are several factors that you need to take into consideration before you call to have a heat pump installed in your home. At Metro Express Services, we want you to be as well informed as possible so we…


What Size of Furnace Do You Need for Your Home?

If the time has come that you need a new furnace, it’s very important that you take the time to make sure it’s the right size of furnace for your needs. It has probably been several years since you needed a replacement, and your home situation may have changed. For example, you may have added…

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